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Mary Steenwyk

Mary Steenwyk
Kindergarten Teacher
Groups: Elementary
God has been teaching me about His incredible grace. His gift of grace is woven throughout my life. As an educator, I try to share the gift of God’s grace with my students. Jesus is the Lord of my life and I strive to reflect the awesome love God has given me. As my students and I learn about and create in God’s creation, we weave God’s grace and love into His world.
I graduated from Timothy Christian High School in Elmhurst, IL and then I attended Calvin College earning a BA in Special Education with an endorsement in Mental Impairment. After several years of teaching, I obtained my Masters’ Degree from Calvin College in Early Childhood Education. In 2013, I joined the Jenison Christian staff, and I am currently enjoying teaching Kindergarten. I am so blessed to be teaching amazing children for over thirty years.
  1. I love to explore God’s creation with my kids on family vacations—I collect rocks from wherever we go.
  2. I love to create with my students and have had kids help me create nine ArtPrize entries.
  3. My life has been changed through traveling and meeting people in China, Ukraine, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, and Ireland.