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Jenison Christian School is committed to embracing our community with the love of Christ, fostering academic growth that is immersed in Christ, and empowering God's children for a life of service in His kingdom.
Our Tradition
For over 90 years, JCS has been a school anchored in Christ. Throughout the years, generations of students have received a Christ-centered, quality education, rooted in the truth of God's Word.
Our Teachers
Teachers at JCS are caring and loving, investing themselves wholeheartedly in nurturing each child's mind and heart. Our teachers are all committed followers of Jesus Christ and have been called to serve in His Kingdom.
Our Teaching
Through a curriculum that weaves faith into every aspect of life and focuses on aligning with the state and national standards, JCS builds a dynamic community of students who are prepared to live lives that glorify God in today's society.

For 90 Years
Solidly anchored near the front of Jenison Christian School is a Standing Stone. This Stone reminds us of God's faithfulness to our school for the past 90 years.
Rooted in God's Word
Throughout the years, generations of students have received a Christ-centered, quality education, rooted in the truth of God's Word. The Jenison Christian School Standing Stone is firmly grounded. It reminds us to be fully rooted in God's Word and to teach our children the Truth.
God has been Faithful
Standing Stones have been used in the Old Testament times to remind people of God's specific acts of mercy and faithfulness. These unmovable Stones stood as reminders throughout the years of God's goodness to His people.